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4 Ways Buyer Personas Can Grow Qualified Business Loan Leads

Written by Bruce Geiger | July 12, 2016

Establishing buyer personas, one of the foundation concepts of inbound marketing, makes a world of sense - especially in the context of growing a more consistent pipeline of qualified business loan leads

Before we get into them, though, I want to review how Hubspot and Jül define a buyer persona:

Buyer personas are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers. They help you understand your customers (and prospective customers) better, and make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviors, and concerns of different groups.

So, it's all about establishing a target audience in order to create relevant content. The Content Marketing Institute recently published some great examples of how companies are using content to connect with their audience - but first, these companies also had to know who that audience was. There are four big reasons why establishing buyer personas helps grow business loan lead generation, as well.

1. Buyer personas enable you get to know your prospects as human beings.

Demographic information is important market research for you to create personas. Yes, we need to establish average gender, age, income range, and geographic location.

 But it’s not enough. A well-crafted, actionable persona should also contain:

  • Background – what’s the persona’s current job, and what path did she or he follow to get there?
  • Identifiers – general demeanor, communication preferences, work style – for example, is someone likely to be screening calls?
  • Goals – what aspirations and positive outcomes are on the radar?
  • Challenges – this is the flipside of goals – importantly, what are the negative outcomes will or may occur if the challenge isn’t successfully addressed?
  • Real Quotes – actual customer comments about goals, challenges, and more
  • Common Objections – what are some reasons prospects have given in the past for not being willing to buy what you’re offering?

2. Buyer personas help you choose the right language.

And in fact, it’s more than simply choosing the right words. A buyer persona will help you identify the desirable tone, format, and delivery method for the situation. Your long-term goal is to create satisfied customers and promoters, and the process will advance your prospects toward that goal every time an appropriate communication touch takes place. Using language your target audience uses will help to grow qualified business loan leads faster by establishing trust immediately.

3. Buyer personas help you know which customer challenges to prioritize.

It's like getting a running start on building a productive relationship with a prospect before the first time you’ve ever contacted him! When you’re confident you’re providing good information about a known business challenge, you have a much better shot at earning trust right from the start.

Think about it. How likely would you be to spark initial interest from a prospect without understanding what her likely business concerns are? A good buyer persona helps you understand those concerns so you can present smart business information that directly addresses the known concern. 

The flip side is that it’s way more difficult to convince a person to buy from you when he can’t immediately envision how what you’re offering could help his situation.

4. Buyer personas help you make your target audience the complete focus of your effort.

Both marketing and sales efforts focused on the same goals are aided by buyer personas. You’ll be laser-focused on the most useful information from the prospect’s point of view. And, just as important, you’ll avoid falling victim to the product-centric marketing myopia that too many banks still follow. Instead, your marketing will be relevant to business owners searching for information, and your sales team will have the tools they need to build the lead pipeline and follow up accordingly. 

Download the Financial ROI calculator to see for yourself!

Ideal buyer profiles, buyer personas, and an organized inbound marketing program with strategic marketing execution may be just what you need to reach the persistent banking goal of producing a consistent pipeline of qualified business loan leads. And this, of course, leads directly to a larger, more profitable loan portfolio.

If you’d like to see the impact yourself, try this: Download the Financial ROI calculator, plug in numbers that reflect your bank’s current web conversion stats and lead generation experience, and see what happens. Enjoy!