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How To Increase Visitors To Your Company's Blog by 100%

Written by Jenna Orrock | May 2, 2017

Blogging experts agree that the #1 most important aspect of popularity is great content. But that seems like the easy part. The struggle seems to be: how do you get more people to your blog in the first place?

Business leaders struggle with how to increase blog traffic while leveraging social media – but it’s easier than it looks when you start with a strategic plan for creating content that's relevant to your ideal buyers - the ones you want to read your blog. When you start viewing the blog writing through the eyes of your prospects, you'll start increasing visitors. Here are some other tips.

1. Start with a Great Headline.

80% of Visitors Will Click if You Get This Part Right:

Some of the most popular websites write dozens of headlines for each post before choosing one. That just shows how important a headline is. To write a compelling one, you need to know your audience well. The first step blogging experts take is to read comments on sites where their prospects already are. These include forums, Facebook groups, and competitor sites already leveraging social media. What are they asking? Write a blog post headline that reflects the exact question your ideal audience is asking. This encourages a click from a search engine to your blog, where the visitor can convert to a lead using a call-to-action.

2. Identify the Purpose.

There are a number of different types of blog posts you can create, as well. When you're coming up with ideas, match them to different post types:

  • How-To: These posts teach readers how to do something, and can rank very well in organic search.
  • List Posts: Curated examples that can be entertaining, thought-provoking, and search-friendly.
  • Thought Leadership: Posts that provide new perspective on industry trends or challenge conventional wisdom.
  • Newsjacks: Timely content that raises site visibility by offering fresh takes on recent news.
  • Infographics/Slideshares: Posts that focus on storytelling through visual tools.

3. Dominate Search Results Through Long-Tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword is a specialized search phrase that demonstrates the user is looking for very specific information. It consists of a head term and a long-tail keyword. The head term is more general, and it leads to the highly-targeted tail.

Let’s take a closer look:

  • One example of a head term: builders
  • Related long-tail searches: Custom home buildersluxury home construction

Searching "builders" may get you these two hard workers to our right, when really you are trying to find something a bit more like this "luxury home construction" team below... 

Why target long-tail keywords? Better quality traffic and higher conversion rates! Long-tail keywords are specific, so visitors who reach your website using one are more qualified. Content targeting luxury home buyers, for example, will get better traffic than content targeting just any buyer. When content is more relevant to a searcher, more traffic will convert into solid leads. 

Plus, long-tail keywords are less competitive. Think about it: Everyone looking for luxury homes is looking for high-end custom builders, but not everyone looking for “builders” is doing the same. The smaller your niche, the fewer rivals will be there with you – and the more interested prospects will be when they see content that speaks directly to their needs.  So by limiting our target keywords with a term like "luxury home construction", we may drive fewer searches than the broad term "builders" but the visitors we do bring to the website with convert into leads at a much higher rate.  

Once you have your keywords, you can build your web content around them. This is the heart of SEO – search engine optimization – the art of developing a site that’s highly visible to search users. To bring you that lucrative traffic, the search engines have to understand what your site is about. Using keywords throughout your site gives them that information.

If your term was custom home builders, a low-competition keyword with high search volume, you could place it:

  • In your page URLs 
  • In your page titles
  • In your header tags

That helps bring search visitors in, but it won’t close the sale on its own. Once prospects reach your site, they need to see content, videos, graphics, and offers that appeal to them. Each of these elements serves to reinforce your expertise over and over, building a relationship with prospects.

That relationship, in turn, moves prospects through the sales funnel. You’ll raise the conversions you get from highly-qualified traffic and be able to monetize long-tail search more effectively.

Join us for our bi-weekly webinar series to learn just how to find long-tail search terms that are right for your business.

4. Blogging Experts Will Tell You: Distribution is Key

There are a number of options when it comes to distributing your content, but it's important to follow through once you publish a post.

Social networks help you amplify your brand’s voice online, usually for free. Social is helpful whether you lead a team of custom home builders, accountants, or anything else. Social media is the perfect way to increase blog traffic. To use it right, though, it’s crucial to invest time and attention into it. If there’s no follow-up after your posts go live, you won’t build excitement and your followers will tune you out.

Emails are also a great way to leverage your existing audience and keep them coming back for more information as they make their way through their personal buyer's journey.

Regardless of what industry you're in, the steps to better blog readership are simple: Know your audience, generate content they care about, then share it consistently!

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