sales + marketing, working together, equals SMARKETING
When marketing and sales teams work together, businesses see better results.
Marketing’s goal is to generate qualified, purchase-ready leads for the sales team. Sales team’s goal is to differentiate and to close. These two teams are often out of sync with each other; but that needn't be the case. Both have the same goals: grow sales and revenue.
Lost sales productivity and wasted marketing budget costs companies at least $1 trillion per year. [Source: 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from the B2B Lead]
When there is SMARKETING, the best opportunities can be closed, and often in less time. Using inbound marketing methodology and sales enablement techniques, establish smarketing in your organization.
Smarketing leads to success.
Creating one unified SMARKETING team using inbound marketing and sales enablement makes a significant business impact. The data support this:
When sales and marketing teams are in sync, companies become 67% better at closing sales. [Source: Marketo]
Companies with aligned sales and marketing generated 208% more revenue from marketing. [Source: MarketingProfs]
57% of B2B organizations identify 'converting qualified leads into customers' as a top funnel priority. [Source: MarketingSherpa]