Whether you're a B2B business preparing to sell, a Talent Acquisition team recruiting at high volumes, or a business leader who wants to see better ROI from sales and marketing, our solution options can fit your needs, starting with our Sales & Marketing Strategy Blueprint.
We recommend a focus on digital marketing and sales tactics that are scalable, measurable, and help grow your business. Learn more about these tactics below.
We offer three service options for our clients. Learn more in this short video.
Strategy includes a discovery workshop around your ideal customer, interviews and research to address that persona's top needs, and a strategy workshop where you receive a one-time consultation with a 28-page blueprint for how, when, and where to best meet your ideal customer while they're searching for a business, service, or team like yours.
Strategy with monthly coaching includes a discovery workshop and the 28-page blueprint for how to best market and sell to your ideal customer or candidate. In addition, one of our team's experts in sales and marketing leadership will personally coach your team. Coaching includes a monthly progress meeting with a progress and ROI report, plus help in making sure you're meeting your strategic growth goals on an ongoing basis.
Strategy with continuous growth execution includes the discovery workshop and 28-page blueprint, along with targeted persona research to market and sell to your ideal customer or candidate. In addition, our team will take care of executing your strategy in a scheduled content plan, monthly reporting and quarterly ROI reviews to adjust and guide the strategy moving forward for continuous growth.