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6 Steps Toward Great Content Creation

6 Steps Toward Great Content Creation

Consistent Compelling Content

One of the fundamentals of Inbound Marketing is content creation. Put simply, content is the message that your inbound marketing strategy delivers to your buyer personas and customers. Without a good message, your inbound strategy won’t work the way you expect and want it to work.


Step 1: Put Together a Content Creation Team


The first key to creating good content is keeping it fresh, which means "mixing it up" when it comes to authors and topics. Find those people who are going to be your regular writers, the people who you can count on to give your business that expert voice.  That being said, don’t be afraid to let guest writers take a shot at it, you never know who could be your next great writer!



Step 2: Know Your Buyer Personas


Before you can start writing content for your business, you need to understand who your buyer personas are.  More importantly, your team of writers needs to know who they are and how they think.  All of your writing needs to be targeted specifically towards them, so it is important you know them like the back of your hand.  This can only be done by doing your homework on things like their likes, wants, challenges and values.



Step 3: Align Writing Goals with Your Persona's Goals


In order for your buyer persona to connect with your content, you have to make sure the goal of your content aligns with the goals of your buyer persona. If your information you are putting out there isn’t helping your potential customer achieve their goal or overcome their challenges, your message will be lost.



Step 4: Choose the Right Tools


Once you’ve written your content, decide how to deliver that content to your buyer persona and attract qualified leads. Through the right combination of blogs and social media, inbound marketing can help turn your content into lead generating marketing material.

Step 5: Create a Schedule


After you’ve chosen how you are going to deliver your message, now you need to decide what time you can reach your personas and customers most efficiently. Facebook analytics gives you insight into when your fans are online.  As a rule, it is good to stick to early mornings, late afternoons and evenings. 



Step 6: Analyze to Understand


Possibly the most important step to creating great content is analyzing what you’ve written and how your buyer persona responds to it. Was it sharable? Did you attract qualified leads? How many likes, comments, mentions and retweets did your social content get? What times of day work best for content publishing? Keep testing different times and platforms until you find what works best, then take advantage of that knowledge. Lastly, don’t be afraid to reuse successful content!

When it comes to content marketing the most important step is to have fun with your content!  You will be surpised how many topics that you can create content about that is relative to your brand and that add value to your buyer personas' daily lives.


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