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Hitting an Inbound Marketing Grand Slam [INFOGRAPHIC]

Hitting an Inbound Marketing Grand Slam [INFOGRAPHIC]

It's the first day of spring training for our hometown Milwaukee Brewers! As they start training for this year's April 3rd home opener and we dream of firing up the grills and the stadium filling with baseball fans from all over, we're drawing inspiration from Field of Dreams - you know, "If you build it, they will come."

Just like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, build your website up with awesome content, calls-to-action that are compelling, and utilize SEO to attract visitors - and the leads will come. Check out the infographic we created to demonstrate the inbound marketing strategy process:




Follow these inbound marketing steps to bring new visitors to your website and convert them into customers. In true baseball metaphoric form, I'll use a baseball diamond to describe the process.



First Base: SEO Attracts Website Visitors


Working on the fundamentals is integral to every baseball player's performance as well as to inbound marketers. SEO (search engine optimization) is an inbound basic. First, take inventory of your website and content. This website content audit is helpful in determining how your website measures up. Once you know what needs work you can address it and make improvements. This is the very first step we take when we put together a growth-driven sales and marketing strategy for our clients, so we aren't building on top of a shaky foundation.

Using SEO best practices will take your website to the next level and competitive against your biggest competitors.

SEO fundamentals include:
  • Internal linking
  • Keywords
  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions



Second Base: Solid, Relevant Content


Whether your are writing a blog post, social media message or website content the content needs to be relevant to your audience. Amazing content will stick with your audience, For-ev-ver! For-ev-ver! If the content is bad your audience will quickly move on.
giphy.gifWe believe in right time, right audience, right content. In previous blog posts, we have discussed buyer personas; these fictional reputations will help guide you to publish content that will resonate.
Pro Tip: Do a content audit of your entire website ensuring the content matches your buyer personas.
Producing relevant marketing and sales content is the gateway to your target audience, the first step in gaining a new lead. Blogs are one of the easiest ways to get your content in front of the right audience. There are many benefits to consistently blogging, including increasing website visits. According to HubSpot, Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI and B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that do not. There's some motivation to get blogging!

Third Base: Convert Using Calls-to-Action.


A call-to-action (CTA) is an image or line of text that prompts a visitor, lead, and your customers to take action. CTAs collect information about the visitor that you can use to better understand their needs and where they are in the buyers journey. Whether the action you're looking for is downloading an eBook, registering for a webinar, or a coupon offer the CTA needs to grab their attention and be relevant. You can place CTAs in many places throughout your marketing strategy (website, email, blog post, etc) like this:

New Call-to-action

How do you know if your CTA is effective? The conversion rate, or (in baseball terms) the batting average, will separate the good from the great calls-to-action. Below is a checklist to make sure your CTA should be on the active roster or on injured reserve.


Effective CTA Checklist:
  • Eye-catching design
  • Compelling copy
  • Clear value proposition
  • Dedicated landing page


If your website has 100 visitors a month with approximately 1%-2% CTA conversions, you will have 1-2 new leads per month. Creating and measuring effective CTAs can increase your leads per month.



Grand Slam: New Lead


One of the most exciting moments in baseball is when the bases are loaded and the batter hits a home run. Grand slams are rare, but with inbound techniques the odds are in your favor.
To recap, here's the inbound marketing strategy for a grand slam:
1st base: SEO attracts website visitor
2nd base: Visitor reads a few blog posts
3rd base: Call-to-Action clicked
Batter: Form submitted
Inbound Grand Slam = New Lead
With practice, your conversion rates will improve from AAA to Major League. Making minor adjustments to your inbound batting swing can produce more consistent results. Measuring and adapting is important to stay ahead of your competition, in business and baseball. Let's play ball!
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