Smarketing Blog

How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Help Your Bank Grow Better Lending Leads

Recent information suggests that, while many business sectors are moving to create interesting, engaging, and helpful digital marketing strategies, banking is lagging behind.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Inbound for Financial Institutions

How to Increase Readership on Your Bank's Blog

If you work for a bank, how would offering a nominal short-term interest rate bump – or maybe a free toaster – increase website traffic?

The fact is that they wouldn't. These ideas stop way short of being smart, productive strategy. So what should you do? 

Professional bloggers and content marketing pros have learned that quality content geared toward a defined target audience is the single best way to generate more traffic on your website.

The fact is, though, just because you build it doesn’t mean anyone will come.

Topics: Inbound for Financial Institutions

No Pain, No Gain, No Obtain – Qualified Business Loan Leads, That Is

The cliché phrase, “No pain, no gain” probably originated in one of the ubiquitous exercise videos from the early ‘80s. Jane Fonda, anyone? Still, the basic concept continues to apply across lots of different activities.

Topics: Blogging ROI Inbound for Financial Institutions

The Buyer’s Journey: the Inbound Marketing Path to Better Business Loan Leads

Maintaining a steady pipeline of qualified, interested business loan prospects has always been a bit haphazard. There is a better way. 

Topics: Increase Lead Generation Inbound for Financial Institutions

4 Ways Buyer Personas Can Grow Qualified Business Loan Leads

Establishing buyer personas, one of the foundation concepts of inbound marketing, makes a world of sense - especially in the context of growing a more consistent pipeline of qualified business loan leads

Topics: Increase Lead Generation Inbound for Financial Institutions

Will the Same Old Business Lending Marketing Tactics Get Different Results?

Highly unlikely.

 In fact, decades ago, the eminent scientist Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

So here’s the issue: if all of us have heard this before, which we have, why do we continue to do it?

Topics: Increase Lead Generation Inbound for Financial Institutions

For Business Loan Prospects, Change What You Say & Where You Say It

Getting a good pipeline of business loan leads has always been a bit uneven. Generating business loan prospects has consisted of cold calls, networking, and marketing messages distributed via media channels designed to create awareness among a target population of prospects identified by the bank. Yelling to a stadium, as it were.

Typically, messaging has focused not on the loan itself, but on ancillary bank services. It was a tolerable approach, partly because it was all we had. But, the world has evolved. Dramatically.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Inbound for Financial Institutions

Inbound Marketing: Aspirin for New Business Development Headaches

Virtually every bank, almost regardless of size, has as one of its strategic goals to develop, and acquire, more good-quality business and commercial loans. They're lucrative for the bank, and extremely helpful to the growing business that needs funding.

Topics: Marketing for B2B Inbound for Financial Institutions

Inbound Marketing for Bank CMOs: 3 Steps to Better Lending Leads

It's tough being the CMO at a bank or credit union.

No one would argue that point with you. But instead of dwelling on the reasons why it’s true, let’s look instead at why bank CMOs and business lending leaders should pay close attention to inbound marketing programs built for your lending business. Fact is, they can significantly increase your business loan portfolio profitability over time. Inbound marketing programs definitely do not suck.

Topics: Inbound for Financial Institutions