Smarketing Blog

4 Ways To Shorten Your Sales Cycle Using Inbound Marketing Tactics

Many industries are weighed down with negativity about sales cycles. Sales pros might suspect the nature of their industry makes it impossible to accelerate the cycle. They may believe they are hampered by prospects' processes or corporate culture ... or that they just “can’t make up their minds.”

Topics: Content Marketing Inbound Marketing Sales Enablement

The Top 3 Tried-and-True Tips for Successful Marketing Content Management

Successful marketing content management is all about prioritization. However, with so much on your plate - managing social media, handling paid advertising, coordinating events and case studies, and more - how do you make sure you’re prioritizing when it comes to managing online marketing content? Keep reading for my top three tried-and-true tips for prioritizing and managing marketing content.

Topics: Content Marketing

#33DaysOfStrategy: What It Is & How It Works

Today marks the start of Trending Up's #33DaysofStrategy, a celebration (and get-the-word-out-there promotion) of our latest product, the DIY Agency-Level Marketing Plan

Topics: Content Marketing Marketing Strategy

How To Increase Visitors To Your Company's Blog by 100%

Blogging experts agree that the #1 most important aspect of popularity is great content. But that seems like the easy part. The struggle seems to be: how do you get more people to your blog in the first place?

Business leaders struggle with how to increase blog traffic while leveraging social media – but it’s easier than it looks when you start with a strategic plan for creating content that's relevant to your ideal buyers - the ones you want to read your blog. When you start viewing the blog writing through the eyes of your prospects, you'll start increasing visitors. Here are some other tips.

Topics: Content Marketing Blogging ROI

Specialized Construction Marketing Plan Pt 2: Create Content [VIDEO]

We recently published the first part in this series about specialized construction marketing planning. It starts with a strategic marketing plan built for specialized construction with clear goals and measurable, results-oriented tactics can help you build up a lead-generating machine for your business. 

The second step is to create and distribute content that's relevant to your target audience. Relevant content will attract this audience to your website when they're searching for solutions, and will establish trust with them when they read what you've published. 

Topics: Content Marketing Marketing Strategy Commercial Construction Marketing

Outbound vs. Inbound: Marketing Spend vs. Marketing Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

Those of you who know me well know that in a prior life I worked for a private equity company that focused on acquiring mid-size manufacturing companies.  I then became a small business owner/operator investing and running a specialized construction company.  I can tell you that it has not always been easy to make the long-term investment over the short-term instant results when it comes to marketing. Do you feel the same way?

Seeing my logo on a web banner, my name on a billboard, or hearing my voice on a radio ad made me feel like I was doing something to promote my business. So many eyeballs, and so many ears! It’s gotta be working, right?

Topics: Content Marketing Blogging ROI Inbound Marketing Marketing for B2B Manufacturing Blogs Marketing for Home Builders Increase Lead Generation

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Hiring In-House vs. Outsourced Marketing Agency

A strategic role like a VP or Chief Officer of Marketing has a big impact on your business. Depending on the size of your business, a director of marketing may have just as large an impact. Hiring for this role means a long and often difficult recruiting process, with the chance that the person hired may not be a good fit or will not have the leadership qualifications promised during the interview process. Outsourcing the responsibilities of a CMO to an agency or firm may be the right choice for your marketing investment due to a few key differentiators.

Topics: Content Marketing Marketing for B2B Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing 101: An Introduction for B2B Organizations [Video]


Content marketing is not an easy definition to pin down. When you Google this term, over 49 million search results come back. And this trending term has grown 500% in the past five years.

Topics: Content Marketing Marketing for B2B

How To Produce Useless Manufacturing Marketing Content in 3 Easy Steps

Ask any SEO company representative, and they’ll tell you that the fastest way to gain better rankings in search engines is to produce more content. More is better appears to be the motto when it comes to search engine optimization and rankings. And before Google (on which over 70% of searches is conducted) released its four major algorithm parts for search engine results quality, that was the truth.

Topics: Content Marketing Blogging ROI Manufacturing Blogs

Should Sales Participate in Writing for Content Marketing?

As content marketing becomes a more important part of your B2B marketing strategy as a whole, traditional roles of sales and marketing teams are being revised.

Topics: Content Marketing Marketing for B2B Improving Close Ratio