Many home builder marketing strategies include traditional advertising techniques, cold calling, and other outdated methods that make measuring success very difficult. As a result, home builder marketing can be a costly endeavor.
This advice for reducing costs for home builder marketing spend are based on the inbound methodology. Here at Trending Up, we’re focused on the return on your investment, and the data that support that - so, these ways of reducing marketing costs for home builders include better ways to market that will increase your quality leads, as well.
Try these methods today to make an immediate impact on your bottom line:
- Make your website your top seller. Read more about that here!
- Research and utilize keywords on your site that your buyers are using to describe your services, so you can be more easily found online. Search engine optimization is a cost-effective method of digital marketing.
- Create downloadable pieces to feature on your site. The subject matter should answer specific questions that your target markets (buyer personas) have.
- Put the downloadable pieces behind a form to gather information from these valuable leads.
- Measure the ROI of your advertising and marketing spends. Not sure how? Check out our ROI calculator, here.
- Using the data you’ve uncovered measuring the ROI of your marketing, immediately stop spending time on the least valuable line item. Why spend money on something that simply isn’t working for you?
- Introduce calls-to-action on your site to drive potential leads where you’d like them to go - a download form, a blog, or a subscription form.
- A/B test your designs to test for the best response rates.
- Set up your website to work with your trade show booths - read our previous blog on this for more details.
- Social media, social media, social media! This (for the most part) free inbound marketing tool allows you to create a presence and attract users to your content while showing your expertise, connecting with potential leads, and interact with local buyers.
For more tips on inbound marketing for home builders, feel free to check out our resource center and our blog.
Happy marketing!